My guest is Jeff Gilbert, a forensic accountant and CPA. We discussed UK-listed Howden Joinery with the ticker HWDN. Howden is one of those companies that ticks a lot of boxes but many people have never heard of it. It's on my watchlist so when I discovered that Jeff was going to present it at VALUEx Klosters I was excited. Jeff is a great guy and someone who I know does his homework. … Continue Reading

Grupo Empresarial San Jose with Marcel Gozali
My guest is Marcel Gozali, a full-time professional investor operating out of Singapore. A CFA Charterholder and Columbia graduate, Marcel held various positions within the industry, including managing his own fund. We discussed Grupo Empresarial San Jose SA which is listed in Spain with the ticker GSJ. The construction company has an enterprise value of almost zero due to its large net cash … Continue Reading

Interview with Andrew Stotz
Andrew Stotz did a live interview with me on LinkedIn yesterday. He gave it the very flattering title of "Insights from a Global Investment Expert". It was a lot of fun and from the comments, it looks like people enjoyed it. We talked about several topics and answered questions from the live audience. Click on the picture to go to the interview. I met Andrew around 20 years ago when he was an … Continue Reading

UAC Nigeria with Tim Staermose
My guest is Tim Staermose, manager of the African Lions Fund. The African Lions Fund is one of the top-performing frontier funds. We discussed Nigeria's macro and politics, and UAC Nigeria (UACN) which is listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Click here for the stock chart. UAC Nigeria holds positions in 7 companies across 6 sectors with their Paints division and Packaged Foods & … Continue Reading

International Workspace Group (IWG) with Simon Caufield
My guest is Simon Caufield. Simon founded a software business that he sold and became a full-time investor. He has been coming to my conference ( since inception and I greatly respect him. He has presented exceptional ideas over the years. You can reach out to him via LinkedIn. We discussed International Workspace Group (IWG) which is listed in the UK at the moment but … Continue Reading

Special Situation Powermatic Data Systems with Hadiyanto Wibawa
My guest is Hadiyanto Wibawa. Hadiyanto is the founder and managing partner of Arunika Capital. Arunika is modeled after the original Buffett Partnership with no management fee, a high water mark, and a performance allocation applied only to profits exceeding a 6% compounding hurdle. Hadi is personally invested alongside the limited partners. Hadi was born in Indonesia and educated in … Continue Reading
FatAlpha Value Events
Most events are a waste of time and expensive so we create the events that we would want to go to. We want: 1) Investment ideas, 2) Develop relationships with other active investors, 3) Value for money
FatAlpha Value (Cyprus Edition): Our flagship event (10th edition) that brings together investors from around the world.
FatAlpha Value (Asia Edition): Bringing together investors primarily located in Asia.
Testimonial (Cyprus Edition): “The best conference that I’ve attended in years”
By-invitation event. Investors only. Scenes from the Cyprus Edition below: