David Einhorn is the founder of Greenlight Capital, a long-short value-oriented fund. He has had an excellent record of generating 16.5% annual return from 1996-2016, yet from his public appearances appears very down to earth. His fight against Applied Capital is documented in his New York bestseller “Fooling some of the people, all of the time“. He also shorted Lehman Brothers in July 2007 and shared his view in November 2007 at the Value Investing Congress (presentation shown below). Recently, Einhorn was at a Q&A session hosted by Oxford Union. A video of the event is shown below and is a must see. He talks about his thoughts and process. I was happy to see that he uses a basket approach to short which I too believe is probably the best route for anyone who wants to hedge part of their portfolio. Enjoy!
Oxford Union (2017)
The Buttonwood Gathering (2012)
Lehman Brothers (2007)
LBEX-DOCID 2490444
Allied Capital Speech Part 1
Allied Capital Speech Part 2
Allied Capital Speech Part 3