For the students of Market Profile, Jim Dalton is no stranger. He is the man who took the initial teachings of Pete Steidlmayer and not only made them his own but took them to a whole different level. Dalton actually sponsored Steidlmayer's first book. Those unfamiliar with Market Profile can read an article by Jim Dalton, the free handbook from the CME, or watch a short … [Read more...]
Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management
Professor Weigand's Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management truly does a service to investors with this excellent book. He gets straight to the point in each chapter without the filler most other books have. The reader can easily follow along by downloaded the free spreadsheets from Wiley's website and can also watch over 7 hours of videos. There are videos and … [Read more...]
John Neff on Investing
The books reads more like a biography rather than an investment guide. Through the writings you discover that Neff's success was due to three factors: 1) value investing strategy, 2) extremely detailed analysis, and 3) a commitment to sticking to his strategy through the thick and thin. This last factor should not be taken lightly. One of the primary problems fund managers have … [Read more...]
The Little Book That Still Beats The Market
This best seller attributes its success to its very gifted writer. The book is both fun and easy to read. It bases its investment strategy on combining two statistics: earnings yield and return on capital. To his credit the author does say that if readers combine this method with solid fundamental analysis they will achieve superior returns. I believe this to be true and … [Read more...]
One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch
I first read this when I was in university in 1998 and I ended up on my summer internship quoting Lynch to brokers and analysts whether they liked it or not. Common sense, excellent advise, and detailed insight into Lynch's methodology. There is a lot of information, that despite the years is still useful today. You won't regret reading this gem! … [Read more...]